Saturday, November 14, 2015

Holiday Shopping: It's Like Christmas to Marketers

Each and every holiday season we see what seems to have become the true meaning of holidays: shopping. A dream come true for marketers.

Like every sane person during the holidays, I tend to enjoy keeping my holiday shopping down to one trip if possible to a place I can get a simple gift for everyone necessary. Preferably Target. I also avoid the mayhem that comes with Black Friday shopping at all costs; unless I am at work then it's impossible. However, even while trying to avoid the madhouse of stores during Christmas time, I still see the advertisements for the latest deals and sales.
In today's society it is inevitable to avoid these commercials. Whether it be for jewelry, toys, clothes, or cars marketers are always catching the attention of viewers during this season. While some commercials are a success, some are complete failures and are torture to watch. As an advertiser, you want to have an ad that's enjoyable to watch. Especially during " The Most Wonderful Time of the Year". Here's how to do please your viewers.

 1. Address the holidays without causing a controversy.

This holiday season, Starbucks gained negative publicity for their new holiday cups. Many Christians claimed the cups did not represent Christmas just because they were red. Marketers need to beware of becoming the next ones to upset consumers; especially during a time where consumer spending is at a high level. Address the season with relevant images and messages in products and ads to achieve the happiest of viewers and consumers. 

2. Incorporate the values of the holiday season.

Nothing says "holidays" like time with family and friends together. To achieve a more personal feeling in advertisements, marketers should incorporate the sense of togetherness in their ads.  In other words, place emphasis on the social part of the season, not the consumption part. 

3. Be festive.

The holidays are a time of love, cheer, and happiness. Positivity in  advertisements will be more successful at grabbing the attention of viewers than commercials meant to make viewers sad. So spread the cheer in your commercials and watch your sales increase! 

 There you have it, three quick tips for marketers to consider this holiday season to achieve maximum advertisement optimization. Happy holidays to all and happy advertising to all the marketers. 

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