Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Chipotle is Loved By Millenialls

During this semester I will be following the marketing strategies of the following three companies: Chipotle, Uber, and Snapchat. However, to start off I will explain my view on Chipotle's top marketing tactics and how they have contributed to the company's success.
 It's hard to compare Chipotle to most fast food restaurants these days. The company is a leader in the practice of customer relationship management, as discussed in chapter two of the text, by focusing on their supreme service tot heir consumers.While they focus on speed like their competitors, Chipotle spends even more time ensuring they supply fresh and quality food. This focus on providing a healthier meal to their customers ties in with their non-traditional marketing strategy targeting today's millennials. The company's public relations tactics of  "cause marketing" addresses how they practice sustainable food processes works excellently for the company. Their marketing tactics successfully reach their target market's environmental concerns and desire for fresh food. 

"Back to the Start" 
 Airing in 2011, Chipotle's first advertisement on TV, called Back to the Start, was unlike any of their competitors'. It featured an animated story of a farmer who's conscious convinces him to switch from mass production to a more sustainable way of producing food. Not only did the commercial grab the attention of their target market by using the popular song by Coldplay, "The Scientist", it also related to their concern for protecting the environment. It shows how the company is "greening" their supply chain, as we discussed in chapter two, by using environmentally sustainable business practices.

"The Scarecrow"
 In 2013, Chipotle took it's online marketing to YouTube by releasing the mini film called "The Scarecrow". It tied in with their new way to reach Millennials, a new app-based game called The Scarecrow. It takes users on a search for sustainable, healthy food. The video went viral with over five million views in two weeks, making it a successful way to market the company's newest announcement: They would no longer have any GMO's in their food. 

Dinner for Two
In 2015, Chipotle used their Facebook and Twitter accounts to hold a contest to win a dinner for two. The contest consisted of writing the best burrito themed haiku. In all, twenty customers won based on the amount of likes, shares, and re-tweets.  
 Why It Works
While Chipotle focuses less on their social media and interactive channels of the marketing paradigm, they put emphasis on providing their customers with a valuable, wholesome meal through their offline channel of public relations. Yes, they do use online videos, social media contests, and TV commercials to reach their audience, but the main way they reach their target market is by addressing the needs of their desired customers. Millennials these days voice their concern of wanting fresh food that is made in a way that is not harmful to the environment. Chipotle's main marketing strategy is stressing that they provide the solution to this audience's want through their "cause marketing". Their to-go food is packaged in a bag explaining their sustainable processes. Their corporate announces new ways they are improving their food to make it as fresh as possible. They market that they produce their food with integrity. As a result, their target audience responds with a demand for the company's food. 
Works Cited
 A Story about Chipotle's Non-Traditional Marketing Strategy. (2012, June 18). Retrieved September 9, 2015. 
 Business Lessons from the Chipotle Marketing Strategy. (2013, November 4). Retrieved September 9, 2015. 


  1. Reading this blog shows me that you really did your research on Chipotle, and the value they place in their consumers and their company. I never knew Chipotle did so much to be a responsible/consumer friendly company, which in turn proved beneficial since millennials love Chipotle.

  2. Hey Taylor, I thought your blog was great! I really liked the usage of videos as a visual example of what you were writing about. Your post was really informative about Chipotle's marketing ideas and strategies. I liked how it was short, but still answered everything we needed to cover!
